Our Location
12302 NE 117th Ave
Vancouver, WA 98662
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Site Preparation & Grading
Whether it is site prep for your building or changing the grades of your site, we understand different soil types and how to move it, place it and achieve proper compaction. Our operators perform high quality grade work in the shortest amount of time. We have experience in different soil conditions having prepared sites anywhere from Northeast Washington State, The Greater Seattle Area, Southwest Washington State, Oregon & Washington Coasts and Central/Eastern Oregon. Given the wide range of locations we have worked in, we feel confident taking on any project site, achieving what the Customer has planned.

Utility Installation
“Doing Pipe” is a forte of the Odyssey team. Having installed many linear feet of sanitary sewer pipe, storm sewer pipe and waterline, our team has built confidence in its utility work through being constantly challenged under different conditions. Going underground can present many challenges and dangerous situations, we have developed methods and processes to reduce the risks and overcome obstacles. Understanding trench shoring methods and effective trench dewatering methods has allowed us to offer high quality utility work at competitive pricing.

Roadway Construction
Quality infrastructure is essential to society. Understanding what it takes to build or repair that infrastructure is important to any civil contractor. Having constructed roadways for different municipalities, all offering their own unique challenges, our team understands that any road construction project must be streamlined to meet traffic impacts and schedule demands. Many roadway projects are high exposure, whether it is the safety of the people driving through your project or the safety of our employees working on the project. Our team practices awareness in high exposure situations and works to create solutions to this everchanging environment.